• Serve as effective coaches, mentors, and critical friends to colleagues.
• Work with colleagues to build and sustain adult learning communities focused on improving teaching and learning.
• Share work with colleagues and the larger educational community.

The School Reform Project was our chance to make changes and present those change ideas to a "mock school board." Jacqui and I had experienced a lot of great times at Keiller Leadership Academy, but there were many changes that needed to be made. In this proposal, we discuss four major changes that would help the school go from good to great. We are also planning on presenting our ideas to the administration of the school. We are becoming real change agents!

• PEACEBUILDERS PROJECThttp://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dg7jb7kd_1d58mbwfj&hl=en
At my school, we use the Peacebuilders Program to help reduce bullying and conflict. This final paper is a narrative about how I utilize Peacebuilders and other strategies to cultivate a positive classroom climate. Developing this paper allowed me the chance to explore many aspects of the Peacebuilders Program, so that I could share information with colleagues.

COLLEGIAL CONVERSATIONShttp://docs.google.com/View?id=dg7jb7kd_7g6q77sgq
During the course of the Advanced Project Based Learning class, I sat down to have informal conversations with colleagues. This is a reflection on those conversations. I am developing as a teacher leader with each conversation!